Dear Beautiful Anarchists,
I am so excited to formally invite you to my upcoming dissertation defense for my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology on October 2nd, 2024 from 1:30-3:00pm CST.
Rewriting the Hierarchy: The Constellation of Community and Practice of Relationship Anarchy.
For the last four years, I have been fervently devoted to studying relationship anarchy and the transformative power of loving connection. In that time, I have had so many folks ask what I've found in my research. So, here it is! During this virtual defense I will cover the findings from my research study, the first ever on the phenomena of relationship anarchy, as well as answer questions from my dissertation committee: Dr. Braden Berkey and Dr. Pamela Niesluchowski.
I also have explored the practice of Relationship Anarchy on my podcast, Modern Anarchy. There is a special series of Relationship Anarchist interviews, where I talk with relationship anarchists from around the world to answer the same questions in my original research study. To learn more about the relationship anarchy series, click here: https://www.modernanarchypodcast.com/relationshipanarchy
I am so deeply grateful to be in this practice of learning to love with you. Truly, studying relationships is one of the most humbling journeys. And, I am excited to explore with you for a lifetime.
Please know that I am sending you all my love,
Nicole Thompson
M.A. Clinical Psychology